Fault Lines Read online

Page 7

  A few moments passed in silence. Mira seemed to be waiting for something. He had no idea what but it was entertaining to watch her awkwardly sit there and squirm. He wondered what she thought of him. She called him Brute and Neanderthal, but he considered those pet names. She was hung up on her Ex but not in a way that meant she had feelings for her, it was her lack of feelings that had her pause. He understood. Everyone had at least one relationship that they felt relieved when it was over. Their talk tonight had given him the confidence to pursue something with her. Had she been broken up over her ex-girlfriend, he would have back off. It didn’t bother him that she was bisexual either. He was a wolf. Who was he to judge?

  She half smiled, half rolled her eyes at him. Owen was utterly confused but didn’t let it show. Apparently she was trying to communicate without words, like they shared some secret language. He sat back, completely enthralled. He had casually dated a few humans before, but they were in his early years. None of them had been serious. He never told any of them about his wolfy nature but he wondered now how Mira would take the news. Sadie had every right to tell her since they were immediate family. But would she though?

  His realization made him inhale sharp and deep. He wanted her to know. He had known her for only a day and already he wanted to tell her his secret.

  Calm the fuck down before you scare her. Stop staring. Lighten up. And for Gaia’s sake take that grin off your face. You look like you’re about to eat her.

  Mira, oblivious to his internal struggle finally asked, “What is taking so long?”

  Owen’s eyebrow lifted in question. A smile still on his lips.

  This time when she rolled her eyes he knew it was for him. “The check, dummy.”

  Right, the check. He had never gotten one of those at The Wick. Chuck never charged him however he always tipped for the service.

  It wasn’t very gentlemanly of him, but played along. “I have no idea.”

  “That’s a big fat lie.”

  “Is it?” he asked; delight lightening the last of his intensity from moments earlier.

  Mira nodded smugly. “Yeah, it’s kinda my drunk superpower.”

  “As opposed to your sober superpower?”

  “Don’t be jealous I’m a lie detector when drunk,” she chided.

  The entertainment never ceased with her. “I’m not jealous, I’m impressed.”

  “As you should be.”

  “Well, then I should probably tell you that there is no check. It’s been taken care of already.”

  She studied him for a moment before declaring, “Truth.”

  “You should also know that I don’t lie.”

  She shook her head not buying it. “Everyone lies.”

  “I don’t.” He was utterly serious. He didn’t lie. He didn’t have time for anything but the truth.

  Her head tipped in almost a wolf like expression. “Truth,” she said with a hint of astonishment. Her eyes softened as did her smile. He could have sat there and played truth with her all night while watching the slight changes in how her eyes regarded him. But a throat being cleared beside him brought both of them back to the reality of where they were.

  “I’m sorry to interrupt but I need to speak with you, Owen.”

  Owen turned his head to find Candice, Cobie’s mother, an emotional hurricane beside him. He nodded politely to her. They did need to speak; it was just unfortunate that it had to be now. Mira sent him a look of understanding and pity. She saw the hysterical tidal wave that was about to hit him too.

  “I was just about to leave anyway.” Mira slid out of the booth and offered her seat to Candice. Without a goodbye or even a glance his direction she left. Stunned silence was all he could manage. She just…left. Owen was about to get up and follow after her when Mira slid back through the crowd with two glasses of water.

  “You looked like you could use this.” She slid the ice cool drink in front of Candice who stared at it but nodded her thanks. The other glass was handed to him.

  “What?” she asked when he just watched her. “Well, I’m going to go upstairs now.” The “you have fun with her,” was left unspoken but rang clear in her voice. Owen slid from the booth. Duty called but could wait another minute.

  “Candice, I’m going to walk Mira to her room. I’ll be back in a moment.” She sighed and nodded. Hopefully the small distance would give her a moment to pull herself together.

  With his hand on the small of her back, he guided her through the room of people to the stairs. When they were out of eye shot from the majority of people, Mira turned to face him. She frowned up at him and then climbed two steps and turned again. This time, they were the same height. She smiled proudly as if to say, “that’s better.”

  “What are you doing tomorrow?” He asked. There was no doubt that he would be seeing her. It was just a question of when and for how long.

  “Not a clue.”

  “Good. I’ll figure something out.”

  Now that she was eye level with him, he could witness the small changes of expression. The infinitesimal raise of her mouth. The softening of her eyes. The oh so soft, soundless sigh.

  “Are you my entertainment coordinator now?”

  “I wouldn’t say that. But what kind of man would I be if I didn’t show you all that Andora has to offer?” All that I have to offer.

  Mira thought about it for a moment. “Not a lie, but not the whole truth,” she declared.

  “Quite the superpower.”

  She looked over her shoulder and up the stairs, a clear way of telling him that it was time for her to go.

  Owen wasn’t going to let her go so easily. Sliding his hand into hers, he raised it to his mouth, her fingers curled instinctively around his. He placed a soft kiss on the back of her hand.

  “Goodnight, Rabbit.”

  “Not your Rabbit,” she said automatically in a soft exhale.

  He grinned, wide and predatory, “Now who’s lying?”


  He’d sat there for hours watching them, waiting. Mitch wasn’t leaving until he talked to Mira. His plans were not going to fall apart just because of that veterinarian. He was just about to order another vodka tonic when she began to move.


  He had gotten up from his spot, money already in hand to toss on the table. The crowd was thick but he managed. That corner of the bar was eerily quiet compared to the rest of the room. Mitch looked around at the people, all of whom looked to be listening very carefully. A man reached out and grabbed him by the arm. He dropped it suddenly enough but he put a finger to his lips, silently asking him to be quiet. He then mouthed, “wait.”

  Not happening. He was missing his chance at talking with Mira. Mitch gave the man a look equal parts, “go fuck yourself,” and, “make me.”

  He had taken two steps, rounded the corner and almost ran into Owen Purcell. He had a sickeningly goofy grin on his face. It was pathetic really. He blindingly apologized and stepped out of the way. Mitch had to hold back his sneer.

  This shithead is the reason he got nothing done tonight. Peter deserves better than that.

  Peter deserved a lot of things, two shots in the chest was not one of them.

  He saw Mira stopped on the steps with wonder in her eyes. Breaking that concentration would be a pleasure.


  She blinked and looked at him blankly for a moment when realization came into her eyes. “Mitch, right?”

  He smiled. “You got it. Headed up?” He pointed at the stairs. She nodded and took one more look to the bar, searching. “So am I,” he said stepping into her view. It was time for her to pay attention to him. Owen was gone. He was there now.

  “Care to escort me?”

  Mitch held out his arm. “I’d be delighted.” She slipped her arm within his and once more took a last look across the bit of bar they could still see. It annoyed him to no end.

  “Everything ok? Had that guy been bothering you?”

That’s right, Mitch. You just sit on that white horse and come riding to her rescue.

  “What? No! Nothing like that.” Mira blushed as they headed up the steps. “Just a weird day.”

  They reached the second floor and his room. She had stopped outside the door. He had planned on walking her the whole way.

  “This you?” she asked.

  “It is. Let me walk you up to yours,” he insisted.

  Mira shook her head and let go of his arm. “Thank you but I’m fine. You have done your gentlemanly duty for the day.”

  He was about to complain but she was already headed up the stairs to her room. Mitch watched in disdain as she went. He waited around all night just for that?

  Turning to his room he unlocked the door and stepped inside. It was dark and had a musky smell to it. The place was clean enough, but it had this scent that made him feel like he was outside even when he was in. Mitch put his brief case down on the chair he had moved to sit beside the door and flipped on the lights.

  The briefcase containing his tablet and notes, thumped to the ground. The chair was gone. He looked up and found a man sitting on it in the center of his room. He instinctively took a step back and found the door knob with his hand.

  “I think you’re going to want to stick around,” the man said.

  Chapter Seven

  The face of every wolf in the bar was turned his way as he came back in. The majority of which were men, all with gleaming smiles on their faces. A few of them held up their hands and gave him a silent clap. There was but one face missing from it all. Lee was nowhere to be seen.

  Probably better that way. They would need to have a talk soon. Her behavior…well, it was unacceptable. She knew she couldn’t treat him like she had done with so little respect, especially in front of witnesses. If done again, he’d have to reprimand her. If he didn’t give equal treatment, there would be problems in the pack.

  Candice still sat in the booth. She had visibly relaxed some while he had been gone. Smoothly, he slid back into his seat.

  “I’m so sorry I interrupted,” she began in earnest.

  He held up a hand. “No worries. She truly was on her way upstairs.”

  “I never thanked her for the water,” Candice said while staring at the half empty glass. “That really was kind of her.”

  Owen reached across the table and covered her hands with his. “Candice,” he said softly. “How is Cobie?”

  “Shaken,” she admitted. “But then again, so am I. He came home with that bandage and I could tell your handy work but I had been so worried. I called your office but Wendy had said you left rather abruptly only an hour earlier. So I called Tyson next.”

  Tyson wasn’t even pack anymore and yet, they all still called him. He usually passed those calls on to Owen.

  “He was so nice about it and said he would check into it but then Cobie came home. I thought I was going to strangle him when I saw he was in his fur. He disobeyed you and me, but he’s just a boy,” she pleaded.

  Sometimes he wondered what they thought he was going to do. Yeah, the kid messed up but he wasn’t going to kill him over it. The only one hurt from this was him. Owen had hoped this was a lesson that finally got through to him.

  “How is his leg?”

  “I can tell it hurts him but he hasn’t complained once. But up until an hour ago, he hadn’t changed.”

  Owen nodded. That was expected. It was hard to change one way or another when injured. He gave a quick glance around the room looking for someone who he had seen in passing earlier in the night. Vince sat at the bar, his eyes glued on the TV screen behind Lee. He whistled and the heads of all his wolves turned in his direction. With his eyes on Vince he tipped his head to signal he was needed.

  “Alright, well,” Owen hadn’t been sure what to do with the kid and had only just gotten the idea. “I want him at my place tomorrow at three thirty…Vince, good to see you.”

  Candice moved over to allow Vince to sit down. The man wasn’t a native to the Adirondack Pack but he was a solid wolf. He was quiet but watchful. It had taken the pack a little while to warm up to him but in the years he’d been around, he’d become a familiar face to everyone. The man was dependable even if he wasn’t very active in the pack. Owen was just about to act on both of those.

  “So here’s the deal. Cobie got into some trouble today. He needs guidance. He needs someone he can trust and is comfortable around but who won’t put up with his bullshit. I’d like Vince to take a shot. Let’s give it…two weeks? Meet back up and see how everyone is doing.”

  Both were surprised at this but neither objected.

  “I don’t have a problem with that but can I ask why you chose me?” he asked.

  “Why not you?” he countered.

  Candice had been looking Vince over. Owen couldn’t really say if they had ever interacted before tonight. Vince was a recluse but he was smart, controlled and Sadie liked him.

  “I think it’s a good idea. I know Cobie is frustrated because he doesn’t have anyone but me to show him everything but with Emma and work, I just don’t have the time. I think he’ll do well with this.”

  Vince listened and nodded. His fate sealed. “Ok. Two weeks then.”

  “Why don’t you come over for dinner tomorrow? I’ll make a lasagna and you two can get acquainted.”

  Owen slipped out of the booth while they made plans.

  He was exhausted but wasn’t ready to call it a night just yet. He’d take an hour and make his rounds around the bar. Chuck knew the drill and had a beer ready for him as he wandered to the bar. He said hellos and shook plenty of hands. Sports were discussed and the local news was reported. He was just settling into a conversation about the influx of tourists in the area when someone clapped him on the back.

  “There you are! Owen that is one mighty fine woman you snatched up. Couldn’t take my eyes off her hair all night.”

  Quinton, owner of the sporting goods store and wolf, was known for making trouble. He never did anything that would harm another but he liked to rustle people’s feathers. A good man, all in all, but not one to take very seriously.

  “…It’s a shame she was hanging on to that straggly looking man.”

  “Excuse me?” he said, not sure he heard correctly.

  Quinton grinned like he just hooked the catch of the summer on the lake. “After you two had that sugar coated ending on the steps—I never knew you were such a charmer,” he said with a wink. “Anyway, this tall, skinny, stick of a man slides on in to where you were just standing. They seemed to know each other ‘cause about a minute later they were walkin’ up those steps with their arms linked.”

  “He come back down?” Owen asked.

  “Nah. I’ve seen him ‘round a lot lately. I think he’s staying here.”

  Owen didn’t know the other boarders beside Zach. He found Chuck and waved him over. “Tell me about the man you have staying here.”

  Chuck wiped his hands with the towel he kept secured to his belt. “Let’s see, his name is Mitchell something or other. Some fancy lawyer. He’ll tell you he’s a writer but he’s not. Been here for a few weeks, maybe a month, but hasn’t paid for another. He seems harmless enough, keeps mostly to himself.”

  That left a bad taste in his mouth. He nodded his thanks to Chuck and let him go back to work. Going up there to bombard Mira with questions was definitely not the way to win any kind of affection from her. But he wanted to do it so badly. This could just be another exaggeration from Quinton who was just trying to get a rise out of him. But this might just be that one time he was telling it like it was. Owen thanked Quinton for his concern.

  He had to make himself walk out of that bar or risk going upstairs and interrogating a lawyer who could make life for him pretty ugly. Chuck would watch out for her. Lee would too, no matter what grudge she held right now, she wouldn’t let anyone get hurt. That had calmed the fire beginning to churn in his stomach.

  Tomorrow he’d be back and
he’d find out who this guy was to her. Tonight he needed to go home, chill out and not do something he would regret.


  “Who are you?” Mitch asked; hand still on the door knob.

  The stranger could only be classed as a gentleman. He was older, his gray hair not aging him at all, instead giving him that distinguished feel that all men hope to have some day. The suit he wore reminded Mitch of one of his own. The quality of the material and custom fit gave him an idea of the kind of money this man made. He sat in the stiff backed, wooden chair like it was a leather recliner. Appearance, posture, even his positioning in the room was all done for maximum effect.

  “Someone who knows what you’re doing and wants to help.”

  His hand slipped from the door. “Does this someone have a name?” Theatrics weren’t his game.

  The man gave a sardonic smile, “Why don’t you just call me Mr. Jones for now. Names come with trust, which you have none of.”

  “Excuse me?” he asked unbelievingly. “You are the one who broke into my room. Trust doesn’t exactly equal into either of our sides.”

  “Fair enough,” he agreed. “However, you need me, not the other way around, besides your curious.”

  The man had surprised him but now that he had found his footing Mitch was pissed off. “I need you? There is no one here you need to impress. So you can stop the charades and just tell me why you are here and what you want so we both can go on with our evening.”

  Hard, cobalt blue eyes looked him over from head to toe. When he made it back up to his eyes, there was a smile on Mr. Jones’ face, one that told him he wasn’t necessarily happy, just pleased. “You might do after all, Mr. Riley.”

  This time he didn’t bother asking what he’d do for. Mitch only waited until Mr. Jones felt like the show had gone on long enough.

  “I am from a group called Canidae. We are an environmental group with a focus on wolves. We have an interest that happens to coincide with one of yours.”